The Patient Visits report is generated with the list of patients who have scheduled an appointment for a particular date range. This report is useful if you want to view the list of appointments for the current date. It is also useful to view the future appointments.

1.From the left menu items, click Reports > Utilization Reports > Patient Visits. The Patient Visits screen is displayed.
2.On the Patient Visits screen, the following are the report filters available, based on which the report is generated:
Enter or select the From Date and To Date using the calendar icon. This field is mandatory.
Select the Facility and Provider from the drop-down list.
Start typing the Patient name, and select the patient from the list displayed. You can also select the patient using the search icon INSYNC~1_img480.
Select Visit / Encounter Type from the drop-down list.
Once the patient name is selected, select the Show patient's recent visit only check box to get the recent visit details of that particular patient.
3.Click Generate Report. The Patient Visit list is generated with all the report filters selected.
4.Click Export Data button, to export the Patient Visits list into excel file.

Note: You can also click Generate Report by just selecting the date range. The report is generated with list of patients who visited for that date range.

