The Patient Visits report is generated with the list of patients who have scheduled an appointment for a particular date range. This report is useful if you want to view the list of appointments for the current date. It is also useful to view the future appointments.
1. | From the left menu items, click Reports > Utilization Reports > Patient Visits. The Patient Visits screen is displayed. |
2. | On the Patient Visits screen, the following are the report filters available, based on which the report is generated: |
• | Enter or select the From Date and To Date using the calendar icon. This field is mandatory. |
• | Select the Facility and Provider from the drop-down list. |
• | Start typing the Patient name, and select the patient from the list displayed. You can also select the patient using the search icon . |
• | Select Visit / Encounter Type from the drop-down list. |
• | Once the patient name is selected, select the Show patient's recent visit only check box to get the recent visit details of that particular patient. |
3. | Click Generate Report. The Patient Visit list is generated with all the report filters selected. |
4. | Click Export Data button, to export the Patient Visits list into excel file. |
Note: You can also click Generate Report by just selecting the date range. The report is generated with list of patients who visited for that date range.