Users can search for receipts in the Payment Receipt screen by filling in the search criteria in the Search Receipt window.
To search for a receipt:
1. | Enter or select the Receipt Date From/To using the calendar icon. |
2. | Enter the Receipt Number. |
3. | Select which Provider saw the patient using the drop-down menu. |
4. | Select the Facility the patient was seen in using the drop-down menu. |
5. | Start typing the Patient’s name into the Patient text box; select the patient’s name from the Smart Search Results. |
| Note: If the patient’s name does not display, click the icon to perform a patient search. |
6. | Select the Billing Entity using the drop-down menu. |
7. | Select the “Show Void Receipt” check box to include voided receipts in the search results. |
8. | Click Search. The list of receipts is displayed below. |
Click the blue number links at the bottom of the screen to navigate between different pages of search results. The total number of receipts found will also display here.
Click the “View” link to open the receipt into a new window for viewing. This will prepopulate the sections below with the Receipt Information/Details.
Copay receipts can also be printed from the Scheduler from the patient appointment listing. For additional information, please reference Printing Receipt of Copay.