After making edits to the rejected claim, the user will need to submit the rebilled claim to the clearinghouse. To resubmit a rebilled claim:
1. | Click the “Billing” tab located on the left side of the screen; select “Claims Processing.” |
2. | Use the View drop-down, located at the top right corner of the screen, to select the number of search results you wish to view at one time. |
| Note: The total number of claims displayed will appear at the bottom of the search results. |
3. | Select claim type as “Rebilled” from the Claim Type drop-down. The newly rebilled claim(s) will display below. |
| Note: InSync users can fill in additional search criteria and click the “Search” button to further filter search results. To sort displayed search results, click on the blue heading to sort by that heading. |
4. | Click the check box next to the claim you want to resubmit. |
| Note: Click in the check box at the top of the column to select all claims listed for resubmission. |
5. | Click the “Retransmit Paper Claims” button to resubmit. |
InSync users can click the
icon next to the claim listing to view a summary of claim details for the claim they want to resubmit. To view full claim details (i.e., return to the Create Claims screen), click claim number link.