Recording Electronic Signature From Patient

When a Encounter note is provided to the patient, the user may want to record an acknowledgment receipt in the system through an electronic signature from the patient.

To record a patient’s electronic signature:

1.On the Facesheet screen, click the end encounter icon corresponding to the encounter for which you want to record the co-signature.
2.Click the end encounter end_encounter_icon icon from the icons displayed in top right corner. A screen appears with Encounter Note, Co-Sign, Amendment Request / Addendum, Patient Signature, and Note Type panels.
3.Select the Patient Signature panel. Select the acknowledgment check box. Enter details pertaining to the document provided to the patient in the Notes box, if any, and click Capture.
4.The patient is requested to sign on the electronic signature pad attached to the system.
5.Click Accept to accept the signature. The Encounter note is updated with the patient’s signature with all the details added in the section.


The Patient Signature is available only when it is configured in the Practice Defaults section.
Make sure the electronic signature pad is attached to the system.

