The NDC Utilization report allows the users to view the utilization of NDCs mapped with CPT codes for specific range of Date of Service.

On the NDC Utilization Report screen, the users can select from the following report filters:

1.Enter or select the From and To date range of Date of Service using the Calendar icon. By default, system generates report for the recent month.
2.Select the Facility to include by using the drop-down list. By default the report is generated for all facilities.
3.Select Provider from the drop-down list. By default the report is generated for all providers.
4.Select Payer from the drop-down list. By default the report is generated for all payers.
5.Enter the NDC, if you want to generate report for particular NDC.
6.Select the Unit of Measurement from the drop down list.
7.Enter the quantity.
8.Select one or more patient categories from the drop-down list.
9.Select one or more claim attributes from the drop-down list.
10.Click the Generate Report button.


