The InSync menu bar can now be accessed by clicking on the arrow Arrow_Menubar located at the bottom left. Each of these menu items allows users to do the following:

User_new Patients – Search, add, and edit patient demographic information, merge patients, view or add patient’s document request, and provide the requested document
scheduler_new Scheduler – Access the Appointment Calendar and Patient Locator, which allows the user to see in what room/area patient is (e.g., Waiting Room, Exam Room 1)


Note: These locations can be customized from the Administration section.


Charting_New Charting – Access all the charting modules, such as Chief Complaints/HPI, Problem List, Vitals, History, Medications/Allergies, ROS, Immunizations, Health Maintenance, Results/Orders Queue, Physical Exam, Diagnosis, Treatment Plan, Review of Results, Therapy Notes, and Supplementary


Billing_new Billing – This is applicable only for InSync PM Users.
Report_New Reports – View a variety of reports, including Appointment reports, Utilization reports, Vitals reports, Clinical Summary (C-CDA) reports, Patient List reports, Quality reports, and Clinical Quality Measure (CQM) reports
Admin_New Administration – Manage patient categories and payment reasons, access the ICD/CPT, and perform resource management

Note: Additional administration screens are used internally by InSync in setting up your software during the Implementation process. These screens are typically inaccessible to the user and may result in a message informing the user of denied access.

Tools+_New Tools – Access the Fax Queue, Encrypt / Decrypt Message, My Time Card, Time Card Manager, and Direct E-mail