Users can link patient copay with patients insurance from the Scheduler if the copay is not linked when adding insurance information. Once a patient’s status has been changed from “Waiting” to “Checked In” on the Scheduler, the user can link the patient copay.

To link a patient copay:

1.Click the clip0027 icon next to the patient entry in the Scheduler. The user will then be brought to the “Link Copay to Insurance/Visit” tab.
2.Enter the amount to be collected as a Copay in the Expected Copay field.
3.Click Save. This will file the copay in the user’s payment receipts.

Once the copay has been successfully linked, the clip0027 is changed to clip0028 icon.

Note: Once you link co pay from Scheduler, system saves the amount as copayment and deselects “No Copay” check box in the Insurance Details section of patient information.