Users can also fax receipts to patients or other users from the Payment Receipt screen.

To fax a receipt:

1.Select the check box next to the receipt you want to fax.

Note: To select all receipts listed for faxing, click in the check box at the top of the column.

2.Click theINSYNC~1_img443icon. This will open the Compose tab of the Fax queue.
3.Enter the fax number in the To field.

Note: Click theINSYNC~1_img42to select a fax number from the practice Address Book. For additional information, please reference Composing a New Fax.

4.The Subject line of the fax is prepopulated (e.g., Payment Receipt of John Smith). The receipt will appear as a PDF Attachment.
5.Enter the recipient of the fax in the Attention To field.
6.Select whether to include a Confidentiality Notice by clicking in the check box.

Note: This is configurable by practice and will appear at the bottom of the fax.

7.Use the free-form text box to insert a Cover Page, if necessary.

Note: This feature mirrors the functionality of Microsoft Office.

8.Click Send. The fax is then sent.

The faxed receipt will now reside in the Sent tab of the Fax queue. For additional information about Fax queue functionality, please reference Composing a New Fax.