Additional drugs administered to patients are recorded in the Drug Administered section on the Treatment Plan screen. The “Drug Administered Report” helps users to view all the additional drugs administered to patients based on the lot number of medications. This report can be filtered based on facility, date range, patient name, patient age, patient category, drug name, administered by, and lot number. The report can also be exported to the Microsoft Excel sheet.

To generate the Drug Administered Report:


1.From the left menu items, select Reports > Utilization reports > Drug Administered Report.
2.Select Facility from the drop-down list. If you don’t select Facility, the report is generated for all facilities.
3.By default, system generates report for the recent month. You can increase or decrease duration to generate the report accordingly.
4.Enter patient name or select using magnifier icon. If you don’t select the patient, the report is generated for all the patients.
5.Select the age range of the patient.
6.Select one or more patient categories from the drop-down list.
7.Enter Drug Name.
8.Select Administered By from the drop-down list.
9.Enter Lot# to generate report for specific lot.
10.Click Generate Report.
11.To export the report to Microsoft Excel, click Export To Excel.


By default, Providers can generate this report. To enable the other staff users to generate this report, Provider can assign permission from the Administration > Security > Roles & Permissions section.

