Users can generate the health summary (patient- and encounter-specific) for the charting elements such as Allergies, Results, Chief Complaint & Reason for Visit, Procedures, Family History, Plan of Care, Immunization, Medication, Instruction, Problem List, Advanced Directives, Reason for Referral, Encounters, Vital Sign, Medications Administered, and Social History.

1.From the left menu items, click Reports > Patient Reports > C-CDA. The Patient Summary screen is displayed.
2.Start typing the Patient name for whom you want to generate the C-CDA file, and select the patient from the list displayed. You can also select the patient using theINSYNC~1_img480icon.
3.The Encounter Specific check box is deselected to generate a patient-specific clinical summary, by default.
4.To generate an encounter-specific clinical summary, select the Encounter Specific check box and select the encounter from the drop-down list for which you want to transmit the clinical summary.
5.Select the check boxes corresponding to the sections you want to include in the XML file.
6.Do the following:
Click Download. The XML file is downloaded and saved on the local drive.
Click Transmit to transmit the XML file.
Click Browse to browse for the downloaded XML file from the local drive and select it. Click Upload & Show to upload the XML file attached and to view it as a C-CDA File. Once uploaded, you can view or print the C-CDA file by clicking Load Generated File or View.

