The A/R Summary Report displays the amount billed out, as well as outstanding patient balances.
In the A/R Summary Report, the user can select from the following report filters:
1. | Select the Report Type by selecting an appropriate option from A/R Summary, A/R Monthly Summary, A/R Summary by Facility, A/R Summary by Provider. |
2. | Select A/R By as Date of Service or Date of Posting from the drop down options. |
3. | Enter or select the From/To dates using the icon. |
4. | Select the Facility(s) to include by using the drop-down list. |
5. | Select the Provider(s) to include by using the drop-down list. |
6. | Select the User Name(s) to include by using the multi select drop-down menu. |
7. | Select the Patient Category(s) to include by using the drop-down list. |
8. | Select the Payer(s) to include by using the drop-down list. |
9. | Select the Responsibility(s) to include by using the drop-down list. |
10. | Select the Balance range using '>=', '>', '<=', '<', and '=' options from drop-down. |
11. | Select the 'Include Unapplied Credit in Balance ($)' check box to include unapplied credit in balance ($). |
12. | Select the Billing Entity to include using the drop-down list. |
13. | Select the Service Provider to include using the drop-down list. |
14. | Select the appropriate option to sort the report in ascending or descending order of Month-Year. |
15. | Click the Generate Report button. The report will open in the screen below. |